Project Overview
Professional Systems Engineering, LLC (PSE) designed a new fire alarm and life safety system to replace the nonaddressable 20-year-old existing system in a prestigious 26-story center-city hotel. PSE provided the one million SF highrise with digital true-alarm, multiplex fire alarm/smoke detection featuring dual color graphic computers for fire command and maintenance. PSE also provided new high-pressure standpipe flow control. PSE interfaced systems in parking areas of the Wyndham and adjacent building where the two buildings share common areas.
With one of the largest ballroom theaters in the country, clear, and unique audio evacuation messaging was planned with full fire command approval. Phasing was critical as the fire alarm system replacement occurred during occupancy. Removal and installation was performed on a fast-track schedule to minimize disruption to facility operations. Aesthetics was an important aspect of the fire alarm system removal and installation program at this prestigious facility required PSE to provide both design and commissioning services
Fire Protection/Life Safety System
Fire Protection/Life Safety System
- Photoelectric smoke detectors for all areas per code
- Sprinkler flow and valve tamper monitoring
- Manual pull stations
- Speaker strobes, voice alarm/evacuation signaling per IBC
- Remote annunciation and communication
- Elevator recall to egress floors and power disconnect
- Air handling unit shutdown through interfacing to existing power supplying each respective unit
- Activation of existing atrium smoke exhaust systems where a fire alarm condition is detected through beam type detectors
- Replacement of door releases opened by magnetic door holders
- Installation of new monitoring for existing kitchen fire protection systems
- Monitoring of fire pumps
- Monitoring of emergency generator control
- Fire sprinkler valve replacement