Courtroom Acoustics
Most people know the term acoustics, but few understand its principles and significance. We are not talking about the slow version of your favorite band’s …
Most people know the term acoustics, but few understand its principles and significance. We are not talking about the slow version of your favorite band’s …
HIGHLY PROTECTED RISK (HPR) cannot be fully addressed as comprehensive engineering requirements in NFPA, IBC, local codes, state codes, or even…
Take a trip to the TV/entertainment section in your local big box store and you may notice change is coming. Just as most people have accepted…
Part 1: A STEAM-Based Learning Environment Quality Educational Technology Fosters Enhanced Learning Community Perth Amboy High School is a state-of-the-art educational facility located in Perth Amboy,
Digital video has saturated the new A/V system market and soon the analog sunset will force the few remaining TVs and projectors into permanent retirement…
It’s 2 o’clock on Tuesday afternoon and one of your A/V systems goes down. As best as anyone can tell, a cabling issue is the culprit. But with…
In honor of Engineers Week, PSE will receive an Honorable Mention Award this Saturday evening in Philadelphia, PA, February 25, 2023, by PSPE at the
With every project involving renovation, rebuilding, or replacing, being able to save money while not sacrificing enhancements because your budget is tight is always of high importance…
Every year it seems you go through the same thing over and over, planning a budget for the year out and identifying where the costs…
Pyracantha angustifolia, more commonly known as “narrowleaf firethorn” or “slender firethorn”, is a shrub that is used to add a layer of security to residential
Today’s school access control has provided superintendents and directors of technology with unprecedented technical alternatives for centralized access control and computer log-on…
John ‘Jack’ Crowley is responsible for the one of the most widely used hydraulic wet pipe (and dry pipe) sprinkler calculation programs…
Where did Philadelphia’s City Hall’s justice prerogative come from? Let’s start in Europe 1498. Preliminary investigations were carried out “as diligently and secretly, as may
What exactly is tomographic detection? Tomography is actually a solution to the problem of super imposition of structures when taking slices in x-ray…
Most people do not have a good understanding of the difference between our analog world and our digital world. For 80 years, electronics engineers…
PSE provides professional consulting services for security systems access controls and barriers, fire safety risk mitigation, structured IT/communications networks, and audio/visual/video deployment and conference strategies. Employing the highest quality design tools and techniques, our engineering and construction staff supports federal, state, local, and private clients, and their architects and allied design and construction professionals to successfully facilitate project planning, construction and/or renovation, transition, and occupancy.